Join Us on Cave Trips

It’s super easy to sign up for a trip. Come say hello at a meeting or send us an email if you’re right on time. Share with us your interest and caving experience. Could be none. Could be tons. We want to get to know you.

Check the calendar for an upcoming trip and wait for the trip leader to send you more info. That’s it. You’ll be caving in no time.


There’s so much to learn about caves. Whether it’s on conservation, preservation, geology, fault zones, or people, we strive to share what we know with you.

Explore Caving

Come visit a grotto meeting and get signed up for a trip. Monthly trips to caves for both beginners and long time cavers focus on our core values of conservation, exploration, preservation, and the protection of caves. All are welcome.

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Vertical Practice

A monthly Vertical Practice/Potluck is usually held on the 1st Tuesday of each month at rotating locations in San Francisco and San Jose. Call or email beforehand to confirm the location and time. Everyone is invited to come to practice his/her vertical skills and/or socialize. Please bring your own main course and something to share with others. Other Vertical Practices are planned, which will be announced. Check the calendar for the most up to date information.