February 2012 Members Meeting

Hi All,

Please join us, Tuesday February 28, at 7:30 pm at our usual spot in the Menlo Park USGS campus for our monthly members meeting. For those who need directions, you can find detailed instructions at: www.caves.org/grotto/sfbc/information.html#where

As usual, for the pre-meeting dinner you can find some Grotto members at Jeffrey’s Hamburgers (888 El Camino Real, Menlo Park): http://tinyurl.com/2syjef

For the post-meeting socializing, we will swarm the Oasis (241 El Camino Real, Menlo Park): http://tinyurl.com/ydppbd9

Gilly Elor will give a presentation on her 2011 trip experience to TAG (Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia area) and her report on the TAG Fall Cave-In. Featured in this presentation is her account on descending Fantastic Pit (600′ drop) in Ellison’s Cave. Other notable caves include Howards Waterfall, Stephen’s Gap, and a few other wet multi-drop caves.

Personal Caving History: Current Diablo Grotto Newsletter Editor and has been caving since July 2010

Caving Interests: Currently she is interested in getting more involved in both international and domestic exploration.