This month’s SFBC Members’ Meeting will take place online on Tuesday May 26 at 7:30 PM PST. The meeting will be held online through Zoom. Please use the meeting link below.
This month’s presentation, beginning at 7:40 PM, will be:
*Caving and caves in Israel.*
[image: IdoMeroz.png] (please do not reuse photo without permission)
Paleolithic era caves, hiding caves from the Jewish–Roman War (1900 years ago), the Dead Sea Scrolls, Chalcolithic-Treasure caves (4300 years old), the salt caves of Mt. Sedom, Karst sinkholes – Israel is a tiny country, but with thousands of unique caves, full of history and dust. In this presentation, we’ll talk about the caves of Israel, the Israeli Cave Explorers Club and its activities – Including the highlight of these activities – the mapping of the longest salt cave in the world – Malham Cave. You can watch the next report about this cave, before our meeting:
Presented by Ido Meroz
The meeting will be held online through zoom. Here are the Zoom instructions: Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Password: 287590