Fwd: SFBC: Trip Planning Meeting – Tues 6-12-2018

Based on the survey we’re going to have the mid-year trip planning meeting on June 12 at Rafael’s in Menlo Park.
Calendar Link: calendar.google.com/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=NnI0c21rM2F2NTVlZjQwaDZidWxuNXE3ODggc2ZiYXljYXZpbmcub3JnX2dxaTV2MTlscDRlOGN0dWRibzkxamxybW0wQGc&tmsrc=sfbaycaving.org_gqi5v19lp4e8ctudbo91jlrmm0%40gr…
Given the balance between those who can attend Tuesday and Saturday (canceled), I’m hoping the (3) that cannot make it, can still participate through email. Feel free to reach out to either myself or Rafael (Rafael Langer-Osuna <rafael@sfbaycaving.org>) on what sort of cave trips you’d like to do between now and the end of the year.
For everyone else – As a courtesy, please email Rafael to let him know you’ll be attending. Rafael Langer-Osuna <rafael@sfbaycaving.org>
Note we’ll have an evening activity starting at 11PM. Please bring dark clothing you would not mind getting dirty. There is also a chance of ankle deep water so potential for wet shoes.
If you’re a new member who has questions like “what other caves are there in CA?” or “what are these caves like?”, I highly recommend checking out our wiki (wiki.sfbaycaving.org), as well as our newsletter search engine ( www.sfbaycaving.org/members-2/873-2/). These are great resources to learn more about caves in CA and with time, appreciate your own contribution.
