Vertical practice — a week from tomorrow, just for this month!

Yeah, summer is getting here faster than we thought! And you know what that means: more caving and more vertical caving! But how do you really get to safely and comfortably explore vertical caves? Well, then, to find out please join us a week from tomorrow, on Tuesday, 14 May, for our monthly vertical practice.
Our kind hosts will be Peri and Bill Frantz. You can arrive anytime after 6:30 pm, we will have some dinner and immediately after we will have some fun on rope.
Dinner is “modified potluck style,” where you bring your own main dish and also bring a small appetizer, side dish or dessert to share. We will have a grill for your food, in case you need one.
Please bring a helmet and a headlamp, and a jacket, since we will be practicing outdoors if weather permits. If you don’t have yet a helmet or headlamp, we will have a couple of extras. Bring your vertical gear if you have it, and if not, we will also have a couple of extras for you.
The address of the Casa Frantz is:
16345 Englewood Ave Los Gatos, CA 95032
See y’all in a week!
– Fofo